It was the only day this week forcasted to be above 80 so we wanted to take the kids to the beach during spring break and get a nice tan. We went to Newport/Balboa and spent the entire day walking, getting ice cream, sunbathing, and playing in the sand and water. The weather couldnt have been better and I think Maddy really loves the outdoors like the rest of us. I wore her most of the day, but I still managed to get a tan too:0)
You sure have been busy! That is great that your husband is so supportive of taking care of the kids while you are out and about.
What a fun day!!!! I'm glad to see you are out and about! Some people wont leave their house until their baby is several months old. I can't wait until it's warm enough to go to the beach where I live!
BTW, I love the dark hair! (in case you don't know who this strange person is commenting on your blog all the time, this is Good.For.Me from BBC).
In case you didn't know that blurred spot on all your pictures is because of a fingerprint or smudge on the lens of your camera. Just gently wipe it off and have no more smears!
There should be laws about looking that good after just having had a baby! Congrats she is beautiful! Hope you're doing well!
Congrats! You look great and I would love for you to share some of your "Food Choices" on the Body 4 Life sometime. You have a beautiful healthy little girl.
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