Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Dave Ramsey Update

Well, another check went out today! We are down to 6,000 left in debt!!!!!! 40 grand in Sept only 6 grand now in May 08. That means we have paid off 34 thousand dollars in 8 months. We have lived on vitually nothing lol! God is GOOD! Seriously, anyone struggling with debt should grab the book, Total Money Makeover or at least read his website. I really like him too because he is Christian and he is the first to say you pay tithe first and then debt. He is so completely right. Our faithfulness to tithe is what I believe is getting us through. WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO, we are sooooo close.


Misty and Jake said...

Janis! I am so proud of you and your family! That is amazing! We have about 45k in debt right now and are slowing trying to get out of things. I am just not able to sell the cars yet.... I don't think that I can convince my DH to do that.... OUr debt based on what we are paying right now will be gone in about 3 years YAY!

Sharon said...

Good for you! And congrats! I find your post to be very motivating.

I found your post doing a blog search for Dave Ramsey.
My dh and I are doing the plan, but we've fallen off the wagon a bit w/ family visiting, etc.

I eagerly await the stimulus rebate check, because using that will almost take away another bill in full! :)

Any tips to share?