All is well. I begged Dr T to listen for a heartbeat and he was hesitant and even teasing me, saying he wouldn't hear one this early. Well, he listened AND he found it quickly and it was loud and strong and he smirked and said, "Well I think your further along than we thought OR theres 2." Ummm, not funny Dr T. I had an early u/s, but the tech said it was just hard to measure and see the entire uterus because my uterus is SO retroverted. She didn't promise there wasn't 2, but thought there was only 1. I am a little excited and a little nervous now. I am excited there I may be further along, but terrified at the idea of 2. I will be getting another u/s pretty soon here. I'll keep you all updated. If you have any experience with something like this, please chime in and tell me your stories!
btw every time I leave you a comment I got a delivery notification that the message came back.
what made him thing that thee weretwo? Just the featc that he could hear the hb? I heard it via doppler at 8 weeks with my second son.
Cindy, he is a fam friend, so I think he was only joking about two, and while I have gotton a hb early with my others(9 weeks, never sooner because my uterus is severely retroverted), this was very loud and strong. When I have gotton it early, its faint and very questionable. I have no clue whats up with the delivery notification thing?
sorry I had major typos, I had not had my coffee yet LOL.
I used to be able to tell them at 14 weeks where the baby was laying. I think it is easier when you are thin.
hmmm, well first of all congratulations! Hearing a hb is not reason enough...enough he suspected he heard 2 or an echo....seems like your dates are also right on. But given that this is your 7th pregnancy, your morning sickness was early and really bad.....I would def. not rule out twins until you get that u/s!!! I can't wait to hear the results!! Are you showing more this time? That could also be a sign.
Congrats on your pregnancy. We are pregnant again as well. We used to be friends on myspace but I deleted mine. Do you have facebook? I would love to keep in touch again.
I have heard the hearbeat via doppler 7.5 weeks with one and 8 weeks with the other and there were two sacs early on both times and they were both gone by then. I did get earlier pregnancy tests with those pregnancies. This pregnancy we heard the heartbeat at 8 weeks and there were two sacs but like before the other one absorbed at seven weeks. I think it just depends. GL and I hope things go well.
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