Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Before long, mankind will just die out. Kids are now being treated like dogs and unallowed into places. How cute they even came up with a little sign to post outside of unkidfriendly stores even considering no kids certain days of the week? Really aren't kids the base of humanity? I just can't beleive this. Seems like a sick joke. I am offended as a mother of 7 :( Satan can really be a handful! I pray that people boycott this new "movement."

I think I just felt some baby fever coming on...yes I'm a rebel!!!


Kat M said...

Wow, that's just wrong.

The Momma said...

Its pretty unbelievable to me.I am right there with the next person about being annoyed with screaming out of control children but at the same time I am a MOTHER and I know that kids are kids and act out sometimes.uhhh this whole thing just makes me so angry.

Blended in Texas said...

I remember being upset one time because a church we attended told new mothers they either had to leave their new (nursing)babies at home with a sitter or not come at all to the ladies Bible study. I was appalled and offended. I do not like when people/places encourage mothers to be separate from their children- especially their babies. It's disgusting. Children are our future and the biggest blessings we can receive. Even though there are days I would like to leave my kids home while I shop no one has the right to TELL me I can not bring them if I so chose. What about single mothers? Wow. Sad, so very sad. By the way, I am proudly pregnant with baby #5! ;)

Jennifer said...

I have to say that I had no patience for children until I had my own. However I can not imagine banning children from places. There are bars and casinos for that:) Even some hotels have a childrens side and a non childrens side. Its criminal..

Unknown said...

the page you cited is gone.... maybe they got the message?? let's HOPE so!