Monday, April 23, 2012

Expected Birthdate 4-27-12

Well after a long 3 appointments today, we finally have our for sure date set. Friday morning at 7am, we will be starting pit and getting this baby girl out:) Dr. T decided to skip a second amnio after the NST, fluid check and appointment today. Brylee nearly failed the NST. In 30 minutes we had only one small acceleration and no movement. She did move later after I left but we are keeping a close eye on that. My heartrate was as high as hers the entire NST so Dr. T decided between baby and I that we would be going forward with induction regardless. I will be 35 weeks and 2 days so that is excellent and much further than we thought I would make it! My 34 and 35 weekers did great so I hope everything will go just as well this time. Praying for no NICU time and a big healthy baby girl. I will update next week and let you know how it goes!


Jessica said...

Praying that everything goes wonderfully!!!! I have to say I am a little jealous that you get to deliver early. You are 1 day ahead of me and I will probably go late! Your little one will be well over a month old and I will still be pregnant!!! This is baby 6 for us and has by far been the most challenging/hardest pregnancy and I am ready to hold my little man!!!!

PapillionMom said...

YAY! Can't wait to hear the great news of a safe delivery for mom and baby.

Tuff Family said...


Praying everything goes smoothly for you and baby on Friday.

Blessings, Heidi

Nothing shocks me anymore... said...

Good Luck today! Prayers for a swift and event-less delivery of a bouncy healthy baby!