Tuesday, August 3, 2010

25 weeks preggie with Jesse Levi

25 weeks. Only 11-12 weeks left depending on when he schedules my induction


miranda said...

How come your getting induced?

Farmer Mama said...

I have SVT so I have to be

Trish said...

You've got a blog award!

Jennifer said...

What is SVT? I've never heard of it.

Farmer Mama said...

Super ventricular tachycardia, its a heart condition that can get very icky at the end of pregnancy. I went into bigemy 2 days before I delivered Maddi. I was hoping to go 37 weeks with her, but ended up 35w5d because my heart just couldn't hang any longer. We are praying for a 37 weeker, but it all depends if my heart can cooperate or not. I basically have electrical problems within my heart circuit

miranda said...

Oh wow! I will pray for you!. I am also expecting #7. :)

Kellie Martin said...

I didn't know you had SVT. I have it too, have you had any ablations to try and fix it? I have had three unsuccessful ablations. Mine is so bad that I have to have c-sections. Was able to make it to 37w6d with my daughter and 38w5d with my son before my heart got too crazy on me.
You look great by the way :-)

Farmer Mama said...

Miranda thank you!
Lexxiesmama, thank you and yea I am just too scared to try to get that far along. I have gone into trigemy and bigemy as well so it freaks me out the further along I get. As for delivery, I went into SVT during my 5th deliver and yipes that sucked. I actually delivered her in SVT. As soon as she came out, BAM my heartrate cut in half. It was veryyyyy scary but they told me a c section could actually be harder on my heart? Who knows though, different drs have different theories. I am just thankful I made it out alive and well thus far lol

Farmer Mama said...

oh lexxiesmama, no I have yet to get an ablation(kinda scared to) and I have been preggo or nursing for the past 10 yrs straight.....though I was only diagnosed 3 yrs ago.

Kellie Martin said...

I was diagnosed late too, I was 21 (28 now). I was told that too about c-sections being harder on the heart but each time I have delivered I have been in 190's or so, so it was kind of emergency situation in a way. I am wondering how many c-sections are safe though, because we are not done having babies...hopefully. The ablations are scary because you are awake during them, but usually the are supposed to be an easy fix. Not for me though, my problem lies in the deep center of my heart and as of so far it has not been accessible. :(
Side note...you guys seem like such great parents, I love reading your blog.

Farmer Mama said...

Lexxie, I am soooo freaked out to get an ablation that I have kinda skirted around it since being diagnosed. I just don't want anything to end up making it worse and I KNOW I will freak out being awake. I cannot even handle getting an I.V. for delivery lol! Thank you for the compliment. I don't think we are perfect parents, but we love our kids and try very hard to do what is best for them.

Kellie Martin said...

Is yours well controlled with meds? Mine is for the most part but I have episodes where it gets bad. I hate it. Same here, we aren't perfect either...but we try hard to be the best we can be for our babies.

Farmer Mama said...

Lexxiesmama, I can't take meds so mine is not at all under control. I have learned to NEVER get full(for some reason a full belly will trigger it) and be careful about bending and laying on my left side(both those can trigger it) and working out with my arms over my head lol. Odd stuff that I found triggers episodes so I just avoid them. The meds at a teeeny dose dropped my BP to 80/30 and I kept passing out lol, not good.

Kellie Martin said...

Oh man, that is horrible :( I have had to try several different meds before they found one that would work for me. I know how hard it can be, my episodes seem random too.