Thursday, August 24, 2017

24 weeks-6 months

Baby Finn is now viable if born, yay! 6 months and how fitting that he is the length of sweet corn being we have been harvesting loads of it🌽 😊. So far, so good still. I continue to feel great with almost no heart burn(a real record for me at this stage of the pregnancy). My only complaint currently is sciatica. I'm pretty achy in the tailbone, but I am still working out hard and farming regardless. The show must go on! Blood sugar creeped up on me over the past few weeks so I am at a nearly full paleo diet again. This is pretty standard for me during pregnancy so I wasn't surprised. As long as I'm eating right, I feel fabulous. Here's to another month in the making, may I be blessed with another 4 weeks no heartburn! Haha #itsthelittlethings #6monthswithbabyFinnley #hestillneedsamiddlename #24weeks

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