Thursday, August 24, 2017

Epic Eclipse Harvest

We are lucky enough to live directly in the path of totality for the August 2017 eclipse. We weren't overly hyped about this event as we had no idea just how COOL it would turn out to be. We went out to harvest as we would any other Monday, although we were equipped with our eclipse glasses, and boom the harvest turned epic. We started feeding off the energy of our campers all standing in our fields with telescopes and whatnot, ready to enjoy and slowly we watched the moon passing over the sun. Before it was over with, the corn harvest was at a stand still as we stood in awe. It grew dark and cold. We actually watched daisies closing around us. It was a supernatural experience, one for the records. I am so glad I got to experience it with my family. It will be a harvest to remember.  

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