Tuesday, November 18, 2008


We went looking for a nice family dog this week because Nate will be back to shift work soon and I wanted a dog to sleep inside and bark if anyone were to bother my house. By the third shelter, it was getting late and we felt like we wouldnt be finding a dog as kids were sleepy and hungry and the day was winding down. Well, to our suprise, we see Sandy and ask to play with her a bit. They pulled her out and the man exclaims, "Well, she is being put down tomorrow so if you want her, you will have to get her tonight." Oh the guilt we felt. I prayed that she would be what we are looking for and pass the cat test(we have cats) because I couldnt bare the though of controlling her destiny like that. She ended up passing the cat test with flying colors, walks better on a leash than any dog we have ever owned and was a totally gentle lovebug with the kids. I knew she was meant to be. We really love her, she's a total sweetheart.


Moss said...

She is a cutie. Do you have any idea of what breeds she might be?

Farmer Mama said...

They thought she was a golden retriever/cocker spaniel mix....I think maybe, but I think border collie too?

Mrs Flam said...

congrats :)

SixSproutsForMe said...

She is so cute. Any idea of how old she is? We have a black lab that will be 8 and she is great watch dog. We would be lost without her. They are work but it is worth every second of it.
BTW, Love the new tale-where did you buy it at? We are looking to get a bigger one too.

Haley said...

Pretty girl, how are you making out with her?

Alex said...

Oh she is beautiful! We have 2 rescue dogs as well and love them to pieces. Hope the transition is easy and she lives a long happy life with your family!