Monday, November 21, 2011

Introducing Bryleann Renahe

Her nub!(hand arrow is pointing to it) Completely flat. Her potty shot, revealed a hamburger as well. I feel VERY confident in the correctness of the u/s especially since I felt deep down she was a girl right from the start. I told many people this and my mother's instinct was correct.

SHE is super healthy, the NTS showed a negligible risk of anything like Down's Syndrome or any Trisomies. She had her little leggies crossed and we had to wiggle her ladylikeness to get to see the goods! She looks beautiful. She is measuring a half week ahead! I feel so blessed. How lucky am I, 4 and 4, an even score?!!!!


PapillionMom said...

Ok so..I get the middle name, pronounced like Renee right?

First name: Bry (like Brian) or Bry (like bridge) le (lee?)or le (lay?) ann.

Sorry, I'm weird. Anytime you refer to one of your kids I like to read it as if you're saying it to me (the reader).

Congratulations. Tie score! She and Jaxxon will be the best of buds :-)

Tuff Family said...

Wow, only 12 weeks and you found out your having a girl...that's amazing...The fact that your not even showing and know the sex is amazing also...I hope the m/s has faded....I love her name..
Blessings, Heidi

Blended in Texas said...

Awwww!!!! Congrats!!! I am having a girl too but it will be our first (we have four boys right now)! We are SUPER excited! Also- I am thinking of the name Bynnlee Marie (Brynn for short). I thought it was similar to your baby's name. =) We always have two names picked out though and then decide when we see the baby. Congrats again...I'm sure she will be gorgeous!

Farmer Mama said...

Papillion- its pronounces Bry(like brian)(Lee)(Ann) and middle is renahe. Its a family spelling of (renee).
Heidi, baby is actually measuring over 13 weeks, but yes it is so cool to find out early. My perinatologist is so awesome and so is his equipment. It makes it super easy to tell.
My life with boys, OMGOSH, CONGRATs on the girl mama! Love the name Brynnlee, we almost went for that one instead:)

Elizabeth Olmstead McBride said...

Telling the sex at 12 weeks? That is very unusual. At 12 weeks the sexual organs haven't differentiated into boy or girl yet. Chorionic villus sampling and amniocentesis can tell the sex with 100% accuracy.

Farmer Mama said...

Elizabeth, baby measured over 13 weeks and its VERY common to be told the gender around 12-13 weeks now days because of the new nub theory, better technology and the common NTS testing they do around this stage of pregnancy. I was told the correct gender at this stage with 5 of my kids. My other ones, I was told at 14ish weeks, also correct. Check out very cool site.

Farmer Mama said...'s a page devoted to girl nub pics u/s!

Blended in Texas said... husband and I did the Shettles method to try and conceive a girl this time around. I think it worked. ;)

Elizabeth Olmstead McBride said...

Interesting information about nub shots. It's not 100% but certainly seems fairly accurate. I will say ultrasound techs need to be careful in telling a mom what she's having. They are not licensed to interpret ultrasounds, and there have been some court cases against techs for telling a mom the wrong sex. But I think you said it was your doctor who made the determination. So this will be 4 of each, right?

PapillionMom said...

Thanks for the answering my question. What a beautiful name!

Farmer Mama said...

Elizabeth, yes its a perinatologist. Papillion, no prob! My lifewithboys- too cool! Glad it worked for you guys:)

Mrs. said...

Are you thinking of getting a tubal or a vasectomy for your DH now? I know you were feeling done before this so was just curious how you felt now? Congrats!

Farmer Mama said...

Mrs. no, we changed our minds. I would never have a tubal, but we considered him getting the V. He really doesn't want to though so we are planning on the IUD after Brylee gets here

sydney said...

I really like your childrens names but this name is...well a bit trashy. You had such lovely ones on the list as well and you chose my least favourite. My husband always says before we name a baby, 'Would it sound good with Supreme Court Judge in front of it?' Perhaps that's because he's a barrister but really I do believe a name can mark you for life and what does Bryleann say about her?

Farmer Mama said...

ILOVESYDNEY I actually know 2 strippers named Sydney, case closed:) I love the name Brylee and don't know why you would come here to post some opinion as rudely as you did!