Tuesday, July 17, 2012

SoRrY tO LeAvE YoU HaNgInG!!! Catching you all up through pics cause its faster and tells more

All my babies at the park
  Photo: My lil miss xoxo http://instagr.am/p/NJ068dmGjK/Sweet BryleeAnne almost 3 months already!!!
Photo: Such a fun vacation!!!Our vacation last week to Welk Resort San Diego!
Photo: Mama n Brylee http://instagr.am/p/M3hCpcGGtP/Been getting a few new peircings including my nose as you can barely see in this photoPhoto: So rewarding! http://instagr.am/p/Mydm4MmGpy/Been tending to our Garden :)

Photo: Yayyyyy just in time for vacation!!!!!! http://instagr.am/p/M31klUmGpy/Reading this trashy deliciousness, just finished and book 2 will be here any day! Ohhh yea
Photo: Fish was gonna bite lil Mae hehebeen fishing!

been swimming lots
My lil men at the creek
My Divas at the creek
been diggin in the dirt LOTSHe's sexy and he knows it bwahahaha!
Been BBQing and making smores:)Been taking pics pics pics, enjying every last ounce of baby and toddler as the big kids head nearly into teen years :OBeen cooking lots of amazing food, especially from our garden, still eating Paleo and loving it. So healthy!
Love the 4th of July:)
Been busy taking all these photos and feeling complete gratitude for the vasectomy and freedom and world of possibilities its bringing to our lives with our perfect family of 4 and 4 :) Lucky.Blessed.Happy.Free.Healthy.Growing.Nurturing........most of all BUSY :)tata for now, will update more when I can:) Til then, know that I havent dropped off the planet, quite the opposite, I have dropped off the net a lot and into life!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Welcome BryleeAnne Renahe!!

So we were scheduled to be induced Friday the 27th at 7am. We woke up excitedly getting ready only to find out they were swamped with a bunch of women needing C sections and told us they would call IF they got a bed available. To say I was bummed would be the understatement of the century. We moped around most of the day with no call. Finally at 2:30 we were told to come in. I was in a major debate as to whether I wanted to endure childbirth pain one last time or enjoy the birth as a birthday party so right away I asked the nurse if the epidural might cause extra issues with the baby since she would be a preemie. The nurse told me they actually suggest epidural for moms of preemies to keep the labor in better control as well as the pushing. I was releived and asked for an epidural at only 2 cm. I have never done that before, but it was exciting to think of not dealing with any pain. They gave me my epidural at about 11pm that night. The first 4 hours I was on cytotech going from 1-2 cm and thinning out. They started pit around 9:30pm. After the epidual I was able to relax and dilation began. I was at a 3 at midnight, a 4 at 1 am and then a 5 at 2am. At that point I told everyone they had better get moving and get the warmer out and call my dr. They thought I was nuts and started nothing. 5 minutes later, I yelled that I was feeling some pressure, I was at a 6, 5 minutes later, a 7. They all got scared, paging my Dr overhead, calling NICU, getting the warmer out, breaking down the bed and my body started pushing without me during all this. As soon as my Dr walked in and told me to push, 3 lil pushes and BryleeAnne came into this world SCREAMING! None of my other kids came out screaming, but what a blessing that she did. We were so scared of her not breathing or any other thing that might go wrong being a preemie, but she let us all know she was alive and well. She was born at 2:30 am weighing 5lbs 15 ounces and 18 inches long. It was wonderful. I cried so much. It was my most emotional birth knowing it was our last sweet baby. We did skin to skin for over an hour before she was weighed or measured or anything. That was so amazing! I had no bleeding issues this time either. I cannot beleive how lucky and blessed I am as a mom to 8 beautiful children, 4 boys, 4 girls! I made it through all my childbearing without having had a C section too. I feel so undeserving of my life. I am so grateful for everything, my husband, my beautiful babies and my wonderful births. It was truly a birthday party Saturday morning April 28th at 2:30 am in that hospital. I will cherish that moment forever!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Expected Birthdate 4-27-12

Well after a long 3 appointments today, we finally have our for sure date set. Friday morning at 7am, we will be starting pit and getting this baby girl out:) Dr. T decided to skip a second amnio after the NST, fluid check and appointment today. Brylee nearly failed the NST. In 30 minutes we had only one small acceleration and no movement. She did move later after I left but we are keeping a close eye on that. My heartrate was as high as hers the entire NST so Dr. T decided between baby and I that we would be going forward with induction regardless. I will be 35 weeks and 2 days so that is excellent and much further than we thought I would make it! My 34 and 35 weekers did great so I hope everything will go just as well this time. Praying for no NICU time and a big healthy baby girl. I will update next week and let you know how it goes!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

We're Still Pregnant

We had the amnio last week on Monday April 16th, hoping for mature lungs and induction Wednesday the 18th. The bummer was her PG level was only 25, forgot to ask about her L/S ratio so I'm not sure what that was. We were looking for a PG level of at least 40. Average is a 2 point a day increase in PG levels so we can safely assume it will be high enough about Monday the 23rd. We are supposed to do another fluid check and NST Monday as we are barely having enough fluid left at this point. As for induction, we plan to do another amnio Wednesday the 25th and as long as her PG levels are over 40, we will be induced Friday the 27th. I am glad to have made it to nearly 35 weeks and happy that I will be over 35 weeks at delivery, but I won't lie, its been really rough. I am at the point of really wanting an end to this. I don't know what I will do if her lungs are still immature, but I am sure a good cry will be in order. I want her to be ready. I am already overly ready. Please send all your thoughts and prayers for us that we will have our baby in our arms Friday the 27th.....6 short days away!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

More Baby News

Yesterday's prenatal appointment went well. We ended up getting an NST and an ultrasound to check fluid levels which were both unexpected, but the great news is that baby looked amazing, as did her fluid levels:) Now for the nerve wracking/exciting part, we go back Monday for a repeat of yesterday's tests and then we head to the hospital for the amnio. Pending mature lungs, my induction is scheduled for Wednesday April 18th at 7am!!!! EEEEEEP that is coming so soon. I pray her lungs are extremely developed and that she will do very well. I'm nervous, but excited to get childbearing and birthing behind me and get home with my precious and final newborn of our clan! Now, if her lungs are not mature enough, we will go for an induction the 25th. Soooooo, looks like we will have a baby in possibly 8 days:)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sorry to Leave You Hanging

We have been going nonstop. We went to our appointment Monday April 2nd and received the first round of steroids for BryleeAnne's lungs. 24 hours later, we went back for round 2 so that is now done and taken care of. Much more happened Monday though.....the perinatologist, cardiologist and my Ob had a phone conference as to what the best option was at this point in the pregnancy. They decided to get steroids on board since I am dilated already and then start tapping(amnio) me at 34 weeks and if lungs are ready, induce. If not, we will tap again at 35 weeks. They fully anticipate lungs to be ready at 34 weeks though and I am pretty sure they will be also since I have had steroids and my other early babies had very mature lungs. All this came as a surprise as we were planning a 36 week induction originally. I am very nervous. Nate was also placed on family medical leave until delivery due the severity of heart issues this time. I am unable to be alone with all the little ones because of the collapsing and passing out. So that's everything in a nutshell. 2-3 weeks left until delivery. We have kicked nesting into extreme high gear around here. Painting, organizing, prepping, finally doing all the baby laundry these last few days and just getting everything done and ready. Our final baby will be here soon. Nate goes in May for the big V and we couldnt be happier or more at peace with that decision as we have been advised by many Dr.s for me to never have more children at this point to which I fully agree. My body is DONE!

Friday, March 23, 2012

More Details to Come April 2nd

.....but for now, I went to my cardiologist yesterday who is very worried as I have had a lot of SVT this pregnancy. He is opting for a 35 week delivery and saying we need to end this asap. I will know the exact plan with Dr. T as of April 2nd at my next apt. That day I will be getting my steroids for the baby's lungs and my induction date. I am not sure he will be comfortable with the cardiology recommendation and I am not sure I am either, but in the next sense, I am not comfortable going into SVT and passing out either. My Cardiologist has also revoked my driving privelidges until delivery which has been the biggest blow. We are trying to decide what to do about that as my kids are in activities and school and me not driving is hardly an option. Wishing the next 4-5 weeks go quick.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hey Everyone!

I haven't fallen off the map or lost my sanity or anything crazy haha, just been really busy. The nesting this pregnancy has been the most intense of any of my pregnancies. That translates into one busy husband who is trying to meet all my requests for paint, wallpaper, rearranging rooms, putting in a new lawn, getting my garden ready to plant....yea I know you are tired for him reading this. So much upgrading has been going on to the house. We are buying our house, currently in escrow.....very exciting! Everything is coming together and we are just about ready for our sweet and final baby 8! Nate had his consult and goes soon to end our childbearing years:0) I have never felt so at peace with such a huge decision. The pregnancy has been hard to say the least. We had the cyst scare, I had horrific morning sickness, I am now battling major heart issues, currently under direct and constant care of cardiology. Praying I make it out this one last time alive and then I will be getting an ablation after BryleeAnne arrives. I will let you all know the date of my induction after my next appointment. I go in April 2nd for lung steroids and Dr. T has stated that we will be inducing right at 36 weeks irregardless of lung development status because of my heart. So that would make for induction right about May 1st or 2nd. My last 3 babies were preemie and all very healthy, 2 being born at 35W5D and one being born at 34W3D 2 with steroids and one without. I don't feel nervous due to that fact. So it looks like this mama is done being a baby maker for good as of exactly 6 weeks from now.......Halle-freaking-llujah!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I Finished Miss BryleeAnne's Blankey

This was my first time doing a ruffle edging and I love it. I feel like it turned out super cute! :0) Can't wait to wash it in dreft and wrap her baby sweetness up in it!


I am the happiest Mama alive right now.....crying tears of pure joy. I just found out the results of our ultrasound from yesterday. BryleeAnne showed absolutely NO signs of ever having had a cyst. There were no other fetal anomolies of any sort. She is measuring exactly to the day on size. My placenta and cervix were perfect! Life is so good. I can finally breathe. The elephant is off my chest and I am ready to SHOP til I drop for ribbons and bows:0) She's my last sweet baby so yes I gotta spoil her! Thank you for all your love and support over the past 37 days of waiting and worrying xoxoxo

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Not Much of an Update

Sonographer turned the screen completely so I could not see her doing any measurements, nor could I see if the cysts were still there or how large they were. I spoke to my Dr.s nurse this afternoon and apparently my Dr is out until tomorrow morning, which of course means I will know nothing until then. :( Hell, after waiting 35 days, I guess what's one more day right.....ugh. On a good note though, we saw her little face for the first time really. She actually faced the camera and I got to look at her for the last 5 minutes and she is beautiful. She looks so much like Mae Mae, big ol smooshy kissy lips. Can't wait to hold her and give her a big kiss:) xoxoxo

Friday, February 3, 2012

Follow Up Ultrasound Tuesday

Sorry for my lack of updates. I just really haven't had anything to report. I have had to try and carry on for the past 31 days since our last ultrasound, waiting. Its not been easy. I am not the patient kind. I stopped all work on her blanket, refused to let myself buy anything, etc. Something came over me about a week ago though.....this peace and I started shopping. I also picked her blanket back up and am continuing work on it. I think its going to be okay. My belly is round and full and very pregnant now. I feel her moving and squirming well now from the inside and outside. Nate feels her. We are in love with her. Its just something as parents, you can't help even if you try. I tried to stay disconnected to protect myself, but I couldn't. I have a full, hopefully healthy, active lil girl inside me and I truly hope these cysts are gone when we go in Tuesday. All thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated. I will let you know as soon as we know something. :) A lil over 12 weeks til we meet our sweet BryleeAnne.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

16 Weeks Left and a Rough Start to 2012

 Still a girl!
My sweet baby girl

I have started this several times and retyped it trying to get it out correctly. Brylee hasn't really moved at all that I can feel and this is very abnormal for me so I have had some concerns the last 5 weeks. Well, Nate and I went January 2nd for a routine ultrasound at the perinatologists office only to find out our sweet baby girl has 2 choroid plexus cysts on her brain. One is small and one rather large. The peri told us this raised our chances significantly for downs syndrome and Trisomy 18. It was horrible news. I felt like someone kicked all the air from my lungs. I ran out of his office crying after he urged me to do an amnio. I still haven't decided whether to take the risk of miscarrying her all to know if she is healthy or not. We already have one child with a genetic disorder.....I thought you could only win the lotto once. Don't get me wrong, Wyatt is the most amazing kid. We love him so so much, but the things he has to live through are so hard for him and us. I cannot imagine something with even greater challenges. It breaks my heart into a million pieces for my baby girl. I go to my regular OBGYN Dr tomorrow and we have another ultrasound scheduled for one week to check even further for any other soft markers as well as to see if the cysts have gone down at all. If you have a story to share regarding these cysts, good or bad, please do so. Thanks so much in advance for any thoughts and prayers. xoxo