Friday, August 22, 2008

Pregnancy Update

I got more bloodwork today, I will post results mon/tues when I get them back. My first prenatal apt is thursday for all the normal pap and whatnot. My first transvaginal u/s is Friday next week at 10:30 am. I am praying we see a healthy baby and heartbeat on that apt. It is going to really ease my mind about the pregnancy. My sister announced yesterday that she is pregnant and due 3 days after me. That will be really awesome for us, but I am reserved and fearful of how I will cope if I loose this baby and have to see her at all the same stages I "would" have been. I really hope it all works out for both of us and we get to do this together. What an opportunity this will be to be pregnant with my sis!

Update: HCG was 19,052! Doubling time: 44.9 hours, that is faster than I doubled with Kenna at this stage by 10 hours.....hmmmmmmm wonder how many are in there:) lol, hopefully just one very healthy baby with a strong heartbeat


~*~Heather~*~ said...

Janis, i just got my bfp, EDD 4/27

Farmer Mama said...

Hey I know a lot of Heathers, who are you lol?

Christina said...

CONGRATS. Sounds like things are going well so far. Is this your sister's first baby? How fun.

~*~Heather~*~ said...

from the LF board on bbc :)

Sankat said...

That is great that your numbers are looking so good!!! YAY sticky baby!!!

Christina said...

I am thinking one of each.....