Sunday, September 6, 2009

Finally, the New HOUSE

Chicken coup Nate built in a day

Wyatts basketball area and facing out towards the street

The playset and yes its unfinished, gonna get to that this week

The backyard. This week we are putting in bark under the swing set and grass all around the rest of the yard. We are just gonna lay sod. Its easier.

The boy's room. I love the dark, boy colors we chose because their old white walls never used to look clean

The baby girl's side of the room(the closet still isnt in yet)

Kayla's side of the room(far left) will have a wall seperating her room from the baby girl's room. I will post those pics when its done.

My laundary room is enormous! I love love love it

My new bathroom, lovin it!

Dining room

facing back side of living and dining room

living room

The new living room and country kitchen!


Kat M said...

That is great that you are getting settled in so well. The girls room looks so cute!

Nicky8 said...

oh my gosh Janet I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! so pretty! the colors you chose are similiar to ones I have in my home, excpet I LOVE the color of your boys room, what is the name of that paint color?
Did you move far away from where you were? I live in NH so your outside pics look COMPLETELY different than here, we have SO many trees and grass!!! on the new house!

Farmer Mama said...

Dear mama your blog is the best, love Wyatts crazy brain