Friday, June 6, 2008


Yes they are all positive in real life. I had to take like 15 to convince myself haha:0) This mornings are much darker
We are in awe. We tried 23 cycles for our sweet dear baby Kenna(who is only 8 months old by the way) and now, my first real post partum cycle, we find out that we are expecting. Its so suprising and wonderful and we are just over the moon. This will be baby #6 for us. We have had bloodwork drawn to check levels, but my pregnancy tests are already darker today from yesterday so we are pretty certain all is well. We are asking for prayers that we dont miscarry(we have had 2 in the past) and that baby will be healthy. We are hoping my progesterone will be high enough not to need supps, but if we do, oh well! We are just so thrilled that Heavenly Father blessed us so quickly and Kenna will have a sibling so close. We are nursing round the clock so this is truley a blessing and a surprise! Something I am really hoping for is the opportunity to tandem nurse so I am hoping to continue nursing through the pregnancy and with baby. Kenna will be around 15 months old when baby is born:) YAYYYY! We are just so thrilled.


Sankat said...

I am so happy for you!! I hope all goes well and that you can keep up everything you need to do! I am totally not up to par when I am preg and my family suffers :(
CONGRATS again!!

Kristin said...

How exciting for you! We are also expecting #6 -- sometime in Jan. :)

God is so good!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations :)

Anonymous said...

YAY! Totally stoked for you Mama...and only a teeny bit jealous =P
How wonderful!!

Anonymous said...

wow janis! yay!!! i haven't checked your blog in a while but was wondering if you were pregnant and BAM! wow!! CONRATS!!!!!! (by the way, if you remember me from BBC large families board) I am FINALLY expecting #5:) Prayers sent out for a healthy 9 months:)

Anonymous said...

wow janis! yay!!! i haven't checked your blog in a while but was wondering if you were pregnant and BAM! wow!! CONRATS!!!!!! (by the way, if you remember me from BBC large families board) I am FINALLY expecting #5:) Prayers sent out for a healthy 9 months:)

Jennifer Bogart said...

Congratulations! Wow - that was fast, hey?

We are expecting #3 in a few weeks :).

Andy and Katy said...

Janis Congratulations!!!! I am so excited for you and your family. Keeping you in my prayers that all is well and you have a happy and healthy pregnancy.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! What a blessing :) You and your new little one are in my prayers.

Also good luck with tandem nursing, I will be tandem nursing both my little ones, my second is due next month and my oldest still loves her Mama milk ;)

Have a great weekend!
-TF @ Too many blessings to count/Made from Scratch

Becca said...

Congratulations! Hope your daughter gets that sister she's been wanting. ;-) My 9 year old daughter just got her sister this past December!

Scarlette Rose girls said...

Awwwwww, Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you! I'll pray for another healthy beautiful baby!

Sarah said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm soo happy for you! H&H 9 months!