Okay, so as most know, I am thin with a descent amount of muscle. Why on earth would I even think to change a thing as far as nutrition and workouts? Well, I recently read the book, French Women Don't Get Fat. It wasn't monumental or life altering really, just common sense.....except for her thoughts on work outs. I was shocked to read that she felt gyms were a waste and so were sports and that we need to just be active daily and exert ourselves cooking, cleaning, walking or doing whatever it is we do. I already do those things and exert myself on top of a difficult workout 5-6 mornings a week on top of a walk 5-6 evenings a week. My walks are usually 1-2 miles. I never considered that I worked out too much. I started researching online and came up with all these websites.......
cardio is for dummies!
Too much exercise can make you fat
High-Intensity Cardio = High Cortisol = Stress
Why Exercise Won't Make You Thin (Time Magazine, make sure to read all 4 pages)
Cardio Bad for Fat Loss and Your Health?
There are plenty more out there, but these just name a few I read. I have to admit at this time I think I had an AHA moment. I have battled chronic issues with low immune function(I get sick with fevers and weird stuff like A LOT......sometimes up to once a month) which has lead to testing for everything including LUPUS over the years(thankfully all were negative). I began having chronically low potassium and magnesium since 2003 when funny enough is the first year I began to really work on fitness. In 2006 I was diagnosed with SVT and began having terrible issues with PVCs in my heart. I have always done very prolonged cardio sessions assuming I was helping my health. No one has EVER told me nor have I ever read that workouts on top of a very active lifestyle such as my own could actually do harm. To boot, I eat more than my husband who by the way does NOT work out. I cannot believe I may have been overdoing it and hurting my body and probably not really doing much weight wise because I eat so much due to high hunger from so much activity. I have also battled insomnia on and off to which I assumed the cure would be.......MORE cardio haha! Same with anxiety. I ended up on buspirone 2 years ago trying to combat anxiety issues and the psych's recommendation......you guessed it, work out more! Strange little epiphany I am having. What are your thoughts? My life is very active. We LOVE to walk all over and hike as a family and do so 3-4 days a week, the other couple days I walk with kids while Nate's at work. I believe whole heartedly in strength training with light weights(heavy weights cause me too many PVCs in my heart) and I plan to continue a moderate 2X a week weight training regime, but starting 3 days ago I quit cardio beyond our walks or hikes. Its kind of an experiment to see what happens. Interestingly, my hunger issues have slowed down which is so nice. I hate walking through somewhere and hunger will be so intense I feel faint if I don't eat immediately. I also seem to have so much more energy during the day to care for the house and my mood is improved which is odd. I would think I would have slumped off into depression quitting cold turkey from so many intense workouts. I have more patience for the kids and the pregnancy and feel great. Guess we will see how it continues. All right, your turn, weigh in! haha no pun intended :)
I say keep up the trial and see how you feel after a month. I haven't read many book on fitness...but I don't think it would hurt to try for a month or so.
I, too, have always exercised...It was not until my 5th child that I realized I was exercising way too much that caused breastfeeding issues( body couldn't take it anymore), I stopped exercising and just ate very well...I now have 7 children, I ride bikes with them, go for a walk with my husband and and I am busy around the house all day(gardening, cleaning, homeschooling, etc.)....exercising an hour a day is not important to me anymore, just being healthy for my family...Since I stopped exercising so much I am 5 lbs thinner then I was when I ran an hour a day, can't even believe I was doing that...just my two cents..by the way, congrats on #7 baby...
God Bless, Heidi
Heidi, I am the same as you as far as activity.....its impossible to be sedentary being a homeschooling mama to a big fam! That is so interesting that you are lighter now too haha! I gotta wonder if the long workouts causing so much hunger may be keeping a few extra pounds on me as well. We definately eat super healthy. I LOVE cooking and using as many fresh ingrediants each week as possible. We also did a huge garden this year down the hill, but when we moved it was too late to do one here:) NEXT year though teehee. Instead I had to rob my moms garden all summer and its been a blast making and freezing homemade spaghetti sauce, zuchinni soups, and a whole assortment of other yummy stuff. We love our veggies!
I have to agree, before kids I worked out minimum 2 hours a day....now I farm, garden and chase 3 boys and am thinner than ever. I eat what my body needs and rarely sit down. Am I as toned? Maybe not, but I feel great!
I too have noticed the same thing. I can bust my butt going to the gym and working out a lot..But when I take a break, and just concentrate on nursing the baby he is a year old now. The weight just seems to fall off. Especially if I stay away from the gym for a while. I've got 3 boys who keep me busy enough. I do still try to do some light cardio though. So maybe all the working out, you aren't taking in enough calories and its making you retain your weight..
I have found the same thing too...if I stay active and move through life with a zest and eat real foods, I feel great. Much better than when I was active and worked out for an hour a day.
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