Saturday, February 6, 2010


We are journeying out of calling ourselves Quiverfull. This is not to the offense of anyone who claims this title. I took the blogroll off my page though because we are no longer comfortable with calling ourselves this. We are just baby lovers. We love children and we take em as they naturally come. This will be my last Quiverfull label post. We believe in God, but don't feel he mandates all people to have babies all the time. It wouldnt work for everyone and we get that. We just love babies and let em come, but maybe at some point we will lose our sanity and stop! :) Who knows. For now though, we are TTC #7.....YES ttc! That isn't very QF and I know that so oh well. No more label for us.Yippy Skippy, hoping we get preggers with our seventh/tie breaker soon!


TrueFemininity said...

I understand this, as I have been moving away from that title myself lately. I'd rather not associate myself with any "movement," but explain my beliefs to people as they inquire, rather than just let them judge me and assume I agree with all the other beliefs of people who call themselves "quiverfull."

Leslie said...

Good Luck!

Jennifer said...

Thats awesome you are going have more. How wonderful! Props to you, I don't know how you do it:)

SixSproutsForMe said...

I respect your speaking out about how you feel. I must agree with you. We are/were quiverfull as well but to be honest I am not sure what I am. I love babies want lots of them and have 7 already but id be lying if i said id be ok w anothert right now. I dont want to bd because I dont want to get preg. Im 7mths pp no AF but ive gotten preg w ebf b4. As4 church we went faithfully 4 my whole childhood and then switched whn i got married..quit 4 alot of yrs and then went back 4 2 yrs straight. its hard tho caz they place ALOT of emphasis on tithe and send u envelopes for it sincewe havnt been going. I feel guilty not going....I feel so lazy because I domt want 2 drag 7 kids on a weekend after our crazy busy week to a church they hate because they cantrelax andshove my kids in the nursery like everyone else does...just isnt me. So I deff relate to glad Imn not the only one (btw iused to post w u on ttcwhilebfing and lrgfamily boards) sabrina

Unknown said...

Throwing myself out there but what does ttc mean?? Thanks.